Luton SEND Local Offer

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Join the SEND Luton mailing list today!

Luton SEND services would like to share information and updates with you. If you're a family member or carer of children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) or a professional working with children who have SEND, please join our mailing list today.

We’ll keep you regularly updated with:

  • the latest Luton Local Offer news including any SEND-related service updates
  • information about both SEND and family events and activities that may interest you and your family
  • our SEND newsletter and updates
  • details of any information sessions organised by us or our partners 
  • opportunities for you to give feedback and have your say on topics, services and user experiences that matter to you
Please complete the form below to join our mailing list and stay up to date with all things SEND.

Confirm your subscription

Once you've opted in to receive information and updates, you'll need to confirm your subscription - just click the link in the email you receive. We use this double opt in method to verify that it was you who opted in and that you definitely want to receive emails from us.

You can change your preferences or opt out at any time by clicking the opt out link at the bottom of every SEND newsletter.

Looking after your data

We'll only ever use your email address for sending updates of this type. We'd never sell or use your data for any other purpose. Our privacy notice clearly states that we follow the rules around the handling and use of your personal data.

If you have any concerns or questions about how we look after your personal information, please contact*.

*Please note: this email address is for data protection queries only. 

Please complete the boxes below, press submit and don’t forget to confirm your subscription via the email link that will follow.

If you have any concerns over your data, please contact:

Business Intelligence Unit
Contact form
Telephone: 01582 546398

* indicates required
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